
Phase transformation

[1] Shear-driven phase transformation in silicon nanowires

L. Vincent, D Djomani, M Fakhfakh, C Renard, B Belier, D Bouchier and G Patriarche, Nanotechnology 29 n°12 (2018) 125601

[2] Atypical reversed pressure-induced phase transformation in Ge nanowires

D. Djomani, F. Capitani, J.B. Brubach, E. Calandrini, C. Renard, D. Bouchier, J.P. Itié, P. Roy, L. Vincent Nanotechnology 31 n°23 (2020) 235711


[1] Doping of III-V arsenide and phosphide wurtzite semiconductors

G. Giorgi, M. Amato, S. Ossicini, X. Cartoixa, E. Canadell, R. Rurali, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 27203-27212

[2] Extrinsic Doping in Group IV Hexagonal-Diamond-Type Crystals

Amato, T. Kaewmaraya, A. Zobelli, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 n°31 (2020) 17290-17298

[3] Electronic structure and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires polytypes

L.H.G. Tizei and M. Amato, Eur. Phys. J. B 93 (2020) 16

[4] Ab-initio studies of the optoelectronic structure of undoped and doped silicon nanocrystals and nanowires. Role of size, passivation, symmetry and phase

S. Ossicini, I. Marri, M. Amato, M. Palummo, E. Canadell, R. Rurali, Faraday Discussions 222, (2020) 217-239

[5] Preferential positioning, stability and segregation of dopants in hexagonal Si nanowires

M. Amato, S. Ossicini, E. Canadell and R. Rurali, Nano Lett. 19 (2019) 866

Physical properties

[1] Crystalline, phononic, and electronic properties of heterostructured polytypic Ge nanowires by Raman Spectroscopy

C. Fasolato, M. De Luca, D. Djomani, L. Vincent, C. Renard, G. Di Iorio, V. Paillard, M. Amato, R. Rurali, I. Zardo, Nano Lett. 18 (2018) 7075-7084

Thermal measurements

[1] Si and Ge allotrope heterostructured nanowires: experimental evaluation of the thermal conductivity reduction 

A. Ben Amor, D. Djomani, M. Fakhfakh, S. Dilhaire, L. Vincent and S. Grauby, Nanotechnology 30 n°37 (2019) 375704

[2] Imaging Thermoelectric Properties at the Nanoscale. Nanomaterials

S. Grauby, A. Ben Amor, G. Hallais, L. Vincent, S. Dilhaire., Nanomaterials MDPI 11-5 (2021) 1199.

Growth of SiGe-2H

[1] Growth-Related Formation Mechanism of I3-Type Basal Stacking Fault in Epitaxially Grown Hexagonal Ge-2H

L. Vincent, E. M. T. Fadaly, C. Renard, W. H. J. Peeters, M. Vettori, F. Panciera, D. Bouchier, E. P. A. M Bakkers, M. A. Verheijen, Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 -16 (2022) 2102340

[2] Hexagonal Silicon-Germanium Nanowire Branches with Tunable Composition

A. Li, H.I.T. Hauge, M.A. Verheijen, and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, R.T. Tucker, L. Vincent, C. Renard, Nanotechnology 34-1 (2022) 015601

[3] Wurtzite phase control for self-assisted GaAs nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy

T. Dursap, M. Vettori, C. Botella, P. Regreny, N. Blanchard, M. Gendry, N. Chauvin , M. Bugnet, A. Danescu, J. Penuelas Nanotechnology 32 (2021)155602